First up, take a deep breath and relax! This is going to be fun, we promise :)
Taking photographs is all about the light. The most magical pictures happen when the light is soft and delicious - during the hour of sunrise or sunset.
We use only natural lighting for my photo shoots - around the time of day when the light is gentle and flattering; and will have a reflector at the ready.
Have a good look through the pics in this post to get an idea of the range of looks and styles that can be achieved in a head shot session.

Looks are wardrobe changes - so if your package includes three looks, we'll be shooting you in three different outfits - always be sure to have a couple of additional options available in case one of the three doesn't translate well on camera. We may also change the background and lighting for each look.
Please bring a few different options for us to work with - plain pastel colours are ideal (blues, greens, pinks, etc, with little to no patterns), as well as a neutral option or two (creams, charcoals etc). Mostly fitted shirts (with either a blazer or cardigan) are going to work best, but a formal dress or suit is also great.
PLEASE TRY AND AVOID wearing too much white, as it over-exposes, or black, as it under-exposes.
We won't see your bottom half in most of the pics - but I find great dark blue suit pants or skirt are great, just in case we do see them.
Try and avoid the following:
- visible wording or branding
- patterns that are very bold or harsh
- clothing that is too tight, or too loose
- lumo colours
- white or black!
For the ladies - please arrive with your hair and make-up done for the first shot (unless we are using a make-up artist) - we'll start with something quite natural, so just a light layering of make-up to start with, but please be sure to bring your make-up bag along with you, especially mascara, blush, an eye pencil, and some natural lip colours.
If we are using a make-up artist please arrive with a clean, moisturised face with no make-up on.
It is a great idea to drink lots of water in the week/days leading up to the shoot to give your skin a nice healthy glow, and exfoliate well the day before.
We're here to have fun, so take a deep breath and relax. We'll give you hints and tips throughout the session - we want to make you look good!
We would recommend choosing a colour theme if you would like the photos to look coordinated - shades of blue for example are great - and then everyone wearing something along those lines. It's also important for everyone's own personality to show through, so we try not to be too steadfast in what you end up wearing.
Please note that our time is valuable!
If we've scheduled this shoot with you, it means we've turned down other shoots for that time period. We understand that life happens, and sometimes gets in the way, but we do require a full 24 hours cancellation/rescheduling notice, and will add an additional small onto your shoot fee every time you cancel/reschedule within less than 24 hours.
Looking for a little more inspiration? We have an entire Pinterest board filled with great corporate head shot ideas, wardrobe options and potential set-ups! Visit it here.

Please note that a head shot session is very different from a personal branding session, and the images captured are mostly head and shoulders, and looking at the camera.
Should you like to book a personal branding shoot please let us know (these sessions are more lifestyle based, capturing the subject typing away on a laptop, drinking coffee in a sidewalk cafe etc, and are designed to capture a variety of pics mainly for social media and website design use). More info about personal branding sessions here.
Please note that by paying your 50% deposit you agree to the information outlined in this blog post and accept it as one would accept terms and conditions.

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